川普公布避关税秘诀是这四个字As Trump ups the trade tariffs, the prime brexiters in the UK still think we can live in a world free of organised trade deals, which avoid this craziness.Reality is not in ...
I guess all the hysterics aren't working. https://t.co/4Va0OaSKt3mdash; Herman Cain (@THEHermanCain) May 10, 2019 最新民调指出,45%美国民众认为总统川普应受弹劾。 根据路透/易普索今天公布的民 ...
谴责贫穷的营养午餐?美国小学「羞辱三明治」问题@tomcolicchio now, elementary school kids who can’t afford lunch will be food shamed. How is it possible that kids are hungry? And how is it conscionable ...
美国贸易代表莱特希泽和财政部长姆努钦在贸易代表办公室等待中国副总理刘鹤到来举行贸易谈判。(2019年5月10日)Theresa May is 'concerned' about the trade war between the US and China after Donald Tr ...