Assange Steps Forward To Deliver Final Blow To The Clinton Campaign 大约一个月以前,FBI即收到匿名的黑客组织提供了大量的希拉里私人邮件服务器的邮件,该组织并在网上预告他们将在10月底向世人公布真正的“十月惊奇”。由于即将公布的内容内容过于震惊,可能摧毁整个国家系统,FBI在巨大压力下提前在10月28日(仅距离大选日11天前)紧急公开表示新的证据使他们必须重启调查邮件门事件。 但真正的关键还不是重启调查邮件门的动作,而是隐藏在这批“新事证”中的内容 >> More Videos (自称“FBI”的用户预言大部分成真 震惊的背脊发凉!(图/视频),事前该组织近日已经不断在网络上发出消息,预告选前将陆续披露更惊人的内容,这些披露足以让希拉里甚至整个美国政府体系瓦解。 随着上周五FBI宣布重启希拉里邮件门的调查,该组织事前预告的信息陆续得到证实他的真实性可以从以下的内容中窥视一二,预计在选前的一周将会有更惊人的证据让世人傻眼,维基解密阿桑奇及匿名黑客组织的爆料将彻底影响此次美国大选的结果,甚至是选后整个国家的政治系统的重新定位和清洗。
4CHAN Document From Hackers Now, many things on this list have yet to occur, but these hackers have delivered on their promises so far. The hackers are arguing that we will receive the emails by November 1, which makes sense. The hacking group Anonymous leaked these emails to the FBI in order to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. The goal would be to then release more information to the FBI now that they have an open investigation. The group also indicates that they have ownership of Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails and will be releasing those soon, as well. As the hacker states in the above chat, “we are purposely holding them back so that the Democratic Party does not have time to replace Hillary Clinton.”
It is also being reported that Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have been playing a major role in this, as well. As we know, WikiLeaks has been releasing emails from Hillary’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, for weeks now. Rumors on online forums have indicated that Anonymous hackers released thousands of emails to both WikiLeaks and the FBI in order to use a multifaceted approach to fully exposing Hillary Clinton. Hackers are leaking everything they have on Hillary Clinton now so that all of the new information is fresh on the minds of voters that will cast their ballots in less than two weeks. The attack has worked because it has forced the liberal media to cover all of this, too. Freedom is never free. We are free to speak as long as we have nothing important to say. Julian Assange is the perfect example of this. If Assange was lying, why are Democrats trying so hard to silence him? A guy hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy is doing more for the truth this election than all of the American press, and rumors are swirling that his time may have expired.
People like Julian Assange have given up their lives to expose corruption in government and allowing Hillary Clinton to win this election makes all of his sacrifices meaningless. He has offered us a chance to revolt against our tyrannical government. Chances likes this do not occur often, and if we do not seize the opportunity, we will suffer another four years of suppression from our corrupt leaders. |
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