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3 |( u0 {6 }) }1 X. P) C, R对于“如何会激怒英国人”这个论题,也老是呈现在国外各种热搜榜上。
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下面是网友总结的一些疾速惹怒英国人的办法。看看,你有没有,在不经意间惹到英国朋友呢? 本文由英国教育整理(http://assignmentfirst.net)$ E$ S! l7 T- d9 V
1. 上下扶梯的时分,站在左面。(Stand on the left on an escalator on the London underground.)6 p; [7 s0 o Z" r0 |5 C- ]# ^
“Stand on the right”的象征随处可见,左行右立才能让赶时间的人走扶梯嘛,可不是像帕丁顿小熊相同用右脚站立啊。$ R$ w, P5 [; |4 f2 Y% V2 c) _
2. 明明有那么多空位,陌生人偏要坐咱们周围。(Sit in the seat next to us when there are empty seats further away.)) w4 [: d" W) P
3. 插队,你就不能等等嘛!(Cut in front of us in a queue or line - wait your turn, please!), O5 ]5 n. l& x4 J |. A
4. 总说“我好爱你的口音噢”。托付,咱们没有口音,咱们说的是最正宗的英语。(Tell us that you "love our accent"; we don't have an accent, we speak the Queen's English properly.)0 s; d! L+ P1 V" D6 A) t6 M
5. 问一个从北边来的人:“你家在伦敦邻近吗?” (Asking someone from the North, “Is that near London?”). L ]. e0 N; i. ^" W
6. 对苏格兰人说:你是英格兰人吗?(Saying to a Scottish person, “Are you English?”) w2 N: t2 W* E5 w6 @, _4 G7 ]
7. 对威尔士人说:你是英格兰人吗?(Saying to a Welsh person, “Are you English?”) V0 ?% h- w3 q' s% @
8. 每次跟咱们问寒问暖的时分,老是等待咱们给出实在的答复。不好意思,咱们已经习气答复"fine", "good" 和 "OK"了。(Ask us how we are and expect to get an honest answer - we're always "fine", "good" or "OK")9 O6 f0 p" K& l# j! y
9. 对咱们说:“当年假如没有美国的协助,你们是赢不了二战的。”(Say that we couldn't have won World War 2 without American help)
, R7 C6 @3 t+ |. d0 A# o10. 认为咱们所有人都是英国皇室的脑残粉。Assuming we’re big fans of the Royals.
( L( D k N8 T' v; b3 S) }' P8 `11. 一向诉苦英国食物很无聊。Dismissing British food as boring. |