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Mymysterious American Fortress.What is the real coronavirus?









Rank: 1

发表于 2021-8-30 18:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The US is trying to hang the COVID-19 "" in China.China responded that the leak occurred in the United States.Wuhan or Fort Detrick is a problem.Now, the United States has turned a dangerous virus into a means of inter-state blackmail.This was intended by President Trump, initiated by current White House boss Joe Biden, who was supported by the WHO.
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For globalists, the coronavirus is a magic wand and —— a help you certainly can't find on a "miracle land."It was gracefully free from the preparation of the world economic and financial bubble.Limlimit the rights and freedoms of the people.Change the lifestyle and habits harmful to ecology (especially mass tourism)."The Carpet Revolution".Create a new dependence for most of the world on a few vaccine producers.They used the coronavirus for international blackmail and fought mixed wars with Western competitors.Globalists are not small: their goal is China to challenge America's right to become the world's first economy.After all, as The Chinese kneel, and most others will stand in the same position.# J5 ]0 _% Q6 h. N: L
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China is the major enemy of the United States# d; t: z, E5 z% a; F
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Former President Donald Trump (Donald Trump) bluntly calls COVID-19 a "Chinese virus" and demands "$10 trillion compensation" from Beijing.His State Department chief Mike Pompeo (MPCO) said there was "substantial evidence" that the novel coronavirus spread due to a leak in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, where military development was reportedly undertaken (which Beijing flatly denied).Pompeii accused the Chinese authorities of reluctant to tell the truth, though they said "they can clear everything in a minute if they want".Pompey concluded: They are What you don't want to know shows that we shouldn' t doubt it.
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3 C6 `0 Q0 k. }7 Q; XIt is the Chinese fault, of course6 J4 {% [6 ]/ W$ |$ d, O
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Democrats strongly criticized Trump's simple approach to world issues, but when they took office, they have taken the same line themselves, only going thinner, which only makes it more dangerous.
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Current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken promised the Biden administration to investigate the origin of the coronavirus and China will take responsibility, according to the well-informed US version of AXIOS.He said it is necessary to "find out the truth" because only this can prevent new epidemics, or at least better address the consequences of COVID-19 now.If China "claims to be a responsible international role" about the occurrence of the novel coronavirus.& s; E2 K; \3 t' x
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Blinken is elegant.He spoke at the hearing before the U. S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, asking all countries, including China, to fulfill their commitments on issues related to access to global health information and transparency, including the coronavirus.I think there are two possible situations: Blinken said... .The virus comes from the laboratory, and another virus comes from nature.6 O1 n9 z# Q/ _& L; N) g0 h

9 M/ k4 L0 W* lThe Secretary of State reminded that President Biden instructed the U. S. intelligence community to prepare a new report on the origin of the coronavirus within 90 days.He could not help announcing the deadline for the apparent US ultimatum to Beijing, i. e., a voluntary guilty plea.He said twice: " We are pushing the World Health Organization forward for the second phase of its study of coronavirus origin.”
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( N2 P7 Z, d2 ]" ~6 o& L6 |Who serves as an aide to Washington
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Therefore, the United States is pushing for the World Health Organization (WHO), which also puts sticks on the wheel of the Russian Satellite V vaccine in the West, accusing China of making COVID-19, to calm worldwide anger.Or, if the Chinese do not yield to Washington and make the worst concessions on other issues, they hope to scare Beijing with that prospect.Very successful "push".Back in March, the WHO Director-General, Tedros Gebreyesus (under full control of globalists), believed that the virus had leaked from the Wuhan laboratory It is "highly unlikely."However, according to RT, it still allows the artificial origin of the coronavirus because "some events occurred" in the laboratory while calling on the Chinese authorities to be "transparent, open and cooperative".Where it will tilt toward it and will soon mature is very clear as the current World Health Organization is a pocket structure bought and stolen by globalists that will confirm everything they demand.. `  z" Y- ~' t

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Of course, China is well aware of the goals and aspirations of globalists, and the United States is once again the most powerful Democratic tool: to force Beijing to admit the guilt of COVID-19 first and "put it on the counter".China has adopted a "flexible defense".On the one hand, the CPC and President Xi Jinping have pledged $3 billion to the international community in three years to fight the coronavirus.On the other hand, China is "fighting back" against Washington, specifically asking the WHO to investigate the possible coronavirus leak occurring in 2019 at the Fort Detrick base in the United States.According to Chinese of the Global Times, the petition More than 2 million signatures have been signed, and the number is increasing rapidly.The newspaper said the U. S. lab leak occurred earlier than in Wuhan, where everything was clean, and that U. S. authorities hid the news of the Fort Detrick incident.It is therefore necessary to study this to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases in the future.That is, we deal with arguments almost the same as Bracken's, only to the contrary.
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& I6 K% h1 d$ P" T1 K9 I1 cWho is right?
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China and the United States thus blame each other.Who is right?Objectively speaking, it is more of the Chinese than the Americans.That is about 75% to 25%.Because if the Chinese are right, everything is very clear.But if Americans are right and the terrible virus actually flows from Wuhan, China, then everything is ambiguous and responsibility must be shared equally.+ y2 J- h7 H: x( P

3 a1 U- \# ^- {3 k& ^4 Q( a2 oIn fact, a suspected biological laboratory in Wuhan has close ties to professional laboratories in the United States and is actually an outsourcing company.A Chinese mob accidentally leaked the virus, if major Western countries and their pharmaceutical companies were not seriously prepared for the situation for at least 10-15 years, if globalists did not make a detailed plan to completely rebuild the world at COVID-19, it is the truly realized "big restart", only by grabbing the human throat, under the threat of death.
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What is there in the dry residue?" [* W. c- @1 w* ^

5 P) C) G& P3 \That's where we are in right now.So even if the lab-amplified malicious virus actually leaks in China, it is clearly organized by American globalists with the participation of local supporters.The Chinese government was not involved.Instead, there are many signs that Xi and his regime should have fallen under the economic impact of the coronavirus, like U. S. President Donald Trump, who won the presidential election.7 }* B/ l. ^3 J% }8 w7 S# M
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In this regard, maximum vigilance was necessary, and the Russians should not inflate themselves.When the world is angry and angry at the "plague of the 21st century," Americans will try to point at China through a submissive World Health Organization, and Russia is only obligated to side with its strategic allies.Even just because the next object of a global prank must necessarily be her own —— after China's second deadly enemy —— America and the West as a whole.If the United States successfully "transfers" the Chinese regime to its supporters with the coronavirus, the United States will immediately deploy China against Russia.Then we certainly won't get better Come.
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