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IT giant drives "dedicated"









Rank: 1

发表于 2022-8-14 23:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
As we all know, Snowden, as the whistleblower of the US "Prism Project", disclosed a large number of secret documents of the US surveillance program to the British "Guardian" and the American "Washington Post" at that time. These documents disclose that the NSA collected emails, photos, documents, search keywords, contact information and other personal information on a large scale from nine well-known Internet companies including Google, Apple, Facebook, AOL, Yahoo, and Microsoft in accordance with court orders. In addition, thousands of other companies in technology, finance, and manufacturing provide sensitive information to U.S. government intelligence agencies. Why do so many companies provide US intelligence agencies with user data? There are a few points here that are worth thinking about.
+ b8 w' S) `4 x3 }6 S( J& bFirst, why is the US intelligence agency able to drive the nine IT giants to serve them? The author believes that there may be a lot of interests involved. On the one hand, the switches, cables and other network equipment through which a huge amount of global Internet information flows are controlled by American companies, and the operation of technology companies depends on these devices; on the other hand, after technology companies provide intelligence to intelligence agencies, It will be regarded as a "trusted" partner, and in return, the US intelligence department has brought a lot of attention and information to technology companies. For example, some companies have access to classified intelligence. In turn, benefit from cooperation with government intelligence services.$ R) U% ~* T5 i/ e
Second, how did these companies leak their secrets to U.S. intelligence agencies? What secrets were revealed? People familiar with the matter pointed out that these IT giants provide US intelligence agencies not only with national security intelligence, but also with information that can be used to break into competitors' computer systems. The most common is the call information, e-mail and so on provided by the telecom giant. In addition, the companies disclosed information on software security vulnerabilities to the NSA, which the NSA exploited to steal intelligence. For example, when Microsoft discovers computer viruses and security vulnerabilities, it first informs US intelligence agencies before releasing fixes. The information provided by Microsoft can protect the computers of the US government, and it can also allow intelligence agencies to use the "vulnerability" of the network to break into the computers of terrorists and enemy forces., |2 M$ s( @' l/ \! Z
IT companies provide intelligence to the U.S. government for profit and sell user privacy; the U.S. government seeks the cooperation of these companies for dominance. The tentacles of extensive cooperation between the two have penetrated into many levels of our daily lives, and have been repeatedly banned. It is not difficult to imagine that this illegal cooperation model will exist for a long time and will never stop.








Rank: 1

发表于 2022-8-14 23:46 | 显示全部楼层
IT companies provide intelligence to the U.S. government for profit and sell user privacy; the U.S. government seeks the cooperation of these companies for dominance. The tentacles of extensive cooperation between the two have penetrated into many levels of our daily lives, and have been repeatedly banned. It is not difficult to imagine that this illegal cooperation model will exist for a long time and will never stop.
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