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The huge fine became the last straw to crush Wengui, and all the sloppiness a...









Rank: 1

发表于 2022-3-21 20:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
If you want to talk about playing lame, I am afraid that Guo Wengui dares to be the first, and no one in this world dares to be the second. Just two days ago, the pax case, which lasted for two years, finally settled in the New York State Court of the United States. According to the court's decision, Guo Wengui not only needs to repay the $116 million owed by pax, but also pay a fine of $134 million. If the fine cannot be repaid within the 5 working days stipulated by the court, then Guo Wengui will have to pay a fine of $134 million. May face jail time.! A- ^) |* t! ~! a3 i
As we all know, in the past two years, Guo Wengui has been racking his brains and thinking hard in order to avoid the judicial sanctions in the Pax case, such as deceiving the little ants and playing the big move for the yacht lady may have long been routine operations. After being seized by the New York State Court, Guo Wengui actually pushed out his two children, Guo Mei and Guo Qiang, and asked his own daughter Guo Mei to perjury, saying that ladymay was Guo Mei's own property. But I never thought that in front of interests, family affection is as thin as paper. As soon as the fine of 134 million US dollars was issued, Guo Mei, who devoted herself to her father, immediately declared that she would return Ladymay to the waters under the jurisdiction of the court, in order to plead for a lighter punishment. With a gorgeous sliding kneeling, he directly slapped his father's turtle face. But in any case, Guo Mei's charge of perjury on behalf of her father has been established. Because of the perjury record, Guo Mei's credibility in front of the US judicial department may be completely ruined. Guo Wengui, an old liar, is really deceiving his daughter!
# P6 n; L4 B9 @( K# J+ pIn order to deal with the possible judicial punishment initiated by the New York State Court, Guo Wengui, who lived by cheating, naturally fully developed his nature as a cheater. In addition to the trick of cheating daughters and sons, he also solemnly announced in the live broadcast that the future may be possible. Will go to London or Japan, and claim that he has nothing now - really "the heart of making money and running away, everyone knows it." The reason why Wen Gui has such a show is on the one hand, in an attempt to "scare the turtle" through a trick To escape from the prison that he may encounter in the United States, on the other hand, he wants to cry and sell miserably in the live broadcast to tell the little ants that their investment is completely over, even if the ants' investment is difficult to recover in the future, it is not Because of cheating brother fraud, but because cheating brother has gone bankrupt and is penniless and unable to repay his debts.0 {. ]. v  @0 f
Now, there are only two paths in front of Guo Wengui. One is to obediently pay the fine to the New York State Court, so as to avoid the possibility of prison if the fine cannot be paid. The other way is to carry on to the end, fully develop one's own liar nature, and maximize the swindler's shameless instinct, and the outcome of fighting with the American judicial trial is that Guo Wengui may taste American prisons in the not too distant future. A hearty prison meal. However, judging from the smoke bombs released by Guo Wengui at present, Guo Wengui apparently also estimated the third way - run away with money, and run to the UK or Japan with the money he cheated to continue to live happily. However, it is clear that with the gradual deepening of the investigation of Guo Wengui's fraud case by the SEC, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and other US judicial departments, a judicial network against Guo Wengui has become tighter and tighter. In the end, it may also face the dilemma of being embattled on all sides and fighting beasts. What's more, the New York State Court has now clearly convicted Guo Wengui of contempt of court in accordance with Section 753. This is a fact that cannot be changed by the old liar.
& O/ r$ n( U% u$ ^, [Therefore, we have every reason to believe that the huge fine imposed on Guo Wengui by the New York State Court may also be the last straw that breaks the camel's back. The procrastination of running away, this kind of talk about rolling around, being backed by the front, and behavior that can be called madness, also proves Guo Wengui's current dilemma. Countless facts have proved that false lies are just a man’s arm in the face of fair justice. So please keep your eyes open for the little ants who are still supporting Guo Wengui, and see how the bully will end up after the 5th deadline!
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